
“丑角儿啊,在戏曲整个的大戏曲块儿里啊,我们老祖宗说叫无丑不成戏,它起到的呢是一种承上启下,中间跟那个磨合剂、调味剂的这个功效。”As those ancient masters told, “There will be no opera without clowns.” A clown, namely, the role of “Chou”, serves as a connective link in Peking Opera, coordinating and seasoning the grand composition.
“我们老师给我讲的叫,丑而不丑大气之美。京剧的丑儿我们所有老师都要说这两个字,格调,丑儿的格调。”   As our teacher said, being a good clown means not to be exaggerating but to hold confidence and exert beauty. In regard to the clowns in Peking Opera, all of our masters stress on the “style”, the clown’s style.
“文丑这个行当就是给大家带来快乐,什么都得演。男女老少,生旦净丑,都得会。”The civilian clown (Wen Chou) aims to amuse the audience. Such a role requires a thorough understanding of all roles, including people of all ages and both sexes, namely, Sheng (respectable male roles), Dan (female roles), Jing (mighty male) and Chou in Peking Opera.
“在整部戏里,不能没有他。旦角(主角)在这儿表演,我呢去衬托他。永远都是把他衬托的特别的高大。没有我们,他们显现不出高大。”A clown is a must in the whole play. As the Dan (the main role) is playing, I, as a clown, have to serve as a foil to her greatness. It always goes like this. Without us, their glory will fade.
“这绿叶你得知道了解人家是什么样的花,他要是一个芍药花,你那叶贴的是芍药的叶。他要是一个牡丹花,你贴出的是牡丹叶。而不能就是说,什么花都成,反正我这儿有一块绿。就坏了。”As a leaf, you need to know what flowers you are accompanying. Be a peony leaf when your partner is a peony, and be a mudan leaf when your partner is a mudan. You will not be the same leaf to all flowers, otherwise, your performance will be doomed.


以上戏曲介绍具有中国文化特色,有些特色的词如“生旦净”需要加注释做解释(Sheng (respectable male roles)、Dan(female roles)、Jing(mighty male))才能让受众更加了解这些词,不然观众一头雾水。有些中文语句比较口语化,用的词比较简单、句子比较零碎,但是具有深刻的含义。译者要深挖语句里的深层含义,才能完整表达原文意思。比如较后一个例子:“而不能就是说,什么花都成,反正我这儿有一块绿。就坏了。”说话人只用了一个“坏”字,但其表达的含义是“丑角角色要根据主角的特色变换自己的表演方式,呈现出较佳的衬托效果,不然表演就算失败了。”所以“就坏了”不能简单译为“bad”,建议表达为“your performance will be doomed”。
