原文:换句话说,由甲到乙,由乙到丙……的中间,必须用过多少功夫,费了多少时间,充了多少知识,得了多少经验,有了多少修养。译文:To be more specific, to climb from any one rung to the next, one must make continued exertions over a period of time: there is just so much for one to learn and to experience before he can make a significant achievement in cultivating his character.
译者对原文进行了适当的省略,并且摆脱了原文语言结构对译者的束缚。与原文的详细描述不同,译者用climb from any one rung to the next来表示每一阶段之间的过渡,用to learn and to experience来阐明跨越阶段之前需要经历的一切,结构有所压缩,语气更符合英语的行文习惯。寥寥数语,却让读者感受到其中漫长的过程和背后无尽的努力与付出。
译文:If this vicious cycle is allowed to repeat itself all one’s life, one will find himself locked in a situation of perpetual dissatisfaction, his body and soul having nowhere to anchor themselves. Is this not the greatest misery in the world?
译文:Isn’t it fun enough to just do one thing perfectly, or deal with one thing properly?