租赁合同是依据相关法律制定的合同文本,主要内容是出租人将物品交给承租人使用,承租人定期缴纳租金。租赁合同翻译一般用于 等外事用途,需要专业机构翻译。





1. 租赁合同翻译需要选用专业的法律译员或擅长合同翻译的译员,确保译文措辞达到原件的用语的准确度;

2. 租赁合同翻译要做好术语统一工作,同样的地址或者专有名词的译文表达上,要保持统一和一致;

3. 租赁合同译稿要注重格式,译稿版式和原版保持一致,一一对应,保证译稿的质量和效果,同时方便阅读者进行核实和比对;









According to Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and the provisions in relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, on equal and voluntary basis, hereby reach the following agreement regarding matters related to the lease of the house:


Article I Basic Information of the House


(I) The house is located at Room XXX, XXXX, Shuanghuayuan XXX 3rd Area, Chaoyang District (hereinafter referred to as the “House”), with a building area of 137.69 square meters. The calculation of rent, property management fee or other payments based on building area shall be done as per the abovementioned area.


(II) Property ownership status:


√ Party A has the ownership of the House. Party A or his/her agent holds Property Right Certificate (No. X JING Property Right Certificate Chao No. XXX).


X Party A has the right to sublease the House. Party A or his/her agent has shown Party B the source of Party A’s right to sublease the House and documentary evidence (document name and number: ___________________________) stating that the property owner of the House agrees Party A to sublease the House.


Article II Conditions of House Leasing and Registration Records


(I) The purpose of leasing is residential and the number of occupants is 4.


(II) Within 7 days starting from the day of signing this contract with Party B, Party A shall handle the formalities related to the registration of house leasing at the service station for strangers to Beijing and rental housing in the community of the House. For rental housing with multiple occupants, Party B shall notify details of the occupants to Party A. Party A shall establish registry book for occupants and send it to the service station according to regulation. If this contract changes or terminates, Party A shall handle procedures related to registration change and cancellation at the service station of the House within 5 days starting from the date of change or cancellation. If the occupants change within the period of validity of this contract, Party B shall notify the service station and handle procedures related to change registration within 2 days starting from the date of change.


租赁合同翻译涉及到法律翻译,译稿的正确与否直接会关系到 事宜,译稿的质量决定着持有人办事的顺利与否,租赁合同翻译需要有资质的翻译公司进行翻译,同时需要打印和加盖翻译专用章,请广大客户谨记。

