




No abnormal sound was heard in the heart and lung stroke auscultation. The abdomen was flat; abdominal respiration was observed; no abdominal wall varicosis was observed; no intestinal shape or peristaltic wave was observed; the whole abdomen was soft; tenderness in the upper abdomen; no rebound tenderness; no mass was touched. The organs under the liver, spleen and rib weren`t touched; the gall bladder wasn`t touched; Murphy's sign (+-). The abdominal tympanitic area was normal, shifting dullness (-). The upper edge of the liver was in the right midclavicular line at the 5th rib, the inferior edge was at the inferior edge of the right hypochondrium; percussion pain in liver region (+); the spleen dullness area was normal; no percussion pain in the gall bladder region. The borborygmus was normal; no vascular murmur or fricative was heard. No edema in both lower limbs. Auxiliary examination: The emergency blood routine results from our hospital: White blood cell count: 8.7X109/L Neutrophilic granulocyte percentage: 83.4% Amylase: 72U/L Lipase: 44U/L.
Admission diagnosis: 1. chronic cholecystitis 2. hepatolithiasis 3. sclerosing cholangitis 4. acute pancreatitis to be excluded 5. ulcerative colitis 6. chronic nephritis
The diagnosis and treatment course: the patient underwent MRCP on December 06, 2013. And it prompted: Cholecystitis, cholecystolithiasis, cystic duct calculi; Due to the shape change of the intrahepatic bile duct and common bile duct, considered about the sclerosing cholangitis lesion. After admission, the symptomatic treatments like anti-inflammation, liver protection and fluid infusion were given.
Discharge diagnosis: chronic cholecystitis hepatolithiasis sclerosing cholangitis ulcerative colitis 5. chronic nephritis
Discharge condition: At present, the general condition of the patient is good. No obvious discomfort; no fever; no nausea or vomiting; no sour regurgitation, heartburn or belching; no stomachache or diarrhea; no haematemesis or melena. The patient and her family asked for discharge. After the permission of the superior doctor, the patient discharged.
Treatment effect evaluation: Turned better.
Discharge advice: 1. Rest and avoid fatty foods.
2. Continue to take Polyene Phosphatidylcholine Capsules and Ursodeoxycholic Acid Capsules orally for symptomatic treatment. Regularly re-check the liver function, tumor marker and MRCP examination (3-6 months).
3. The clinic follows up the disease condition.





